2019-11-30 Heiko Westermann * Version 0.2.0-beta - Maintenance and compatibility release * [UPDATE] Make extension available for TYPO3 10.x * [UPDATE] Migrate TS condition syntax, to Symfony expression language, deprecation #86068, feature #85829 * [UPDATE] Migrate namespace of fluid abstract view helper, deprecation #87277 * [UPDATE] Removed deprecated keys in ext_emconf.php * [UPDATE] Migrate TS file endings from .txt to .typoscript 2019-11-30 Heiko Westermann * Version 0.0.7-beta - Maintenance and compatibility release * [TASK] Update/improve README.md * [TASK] Replace $_EXTKEY in ext_localconf.php to be future save (breaks in TYPO3 10.x) * [FEATURE] Declare compliance with php strict types * [TASK] Code cleanup * [TASK] Make extension available up to <= 9.5.99 * [UPDATE] Fix composer deprecation for package name alias / extension key 2018-05-22 Heiko Westermann * Version 0.0.6-beta - Feature, maintenance and compatibility release * [FEATURE] Make template variants useable * [FEATURE] Added manual to README.md * [TASK] Refactored template paths settings to well known quasi-standard * [TASK] Refactored 'recordType' key in TypoScript settings * [TASK] Added 'renderType' to plugin mode select field in FlexForm. * [TASK] Moved TCA modifications from ext_tables.php to override config files. 2018-05-10 Heiko Westermann * Version 0.0.5-beta - Bugfix, compatibility and maintenance release * [BUGFIX/FEATURE] Include neccessary js for ajax by default. (Can be disabled by admin.) * [BUGFIX] Disabled parameter check on ajax actions, to avoid cHash error. * [FEATURE] Checked compatibility with TYPO3 9.2.x 2018-05-09 Heiko Westermann * Version 0.0.4-beta - First public release * [FEATURE] Examplary, adaptable control elements * [TASK] Optimised ajax handling 2017-11-04 Heiko Westermann * Version 0.0.3-beta - Feature release * [FEATURE] Configurable list types (models) and repositories * [TASK] Code cleanup 2016-02-17 Heiko Westermann * Version 0.0.2-alpha * [FEATURE] Restructured templates 2016-01-24 Heiko Westermann * Version 0.0.1-alpha * Initial setup: This is an early version of the extension in development. Some major functions and features are missing! * [FEATURE] Memory list plugin